Real estate agenciesŁódź Widzew

Average price per square meter: PLN 7,526 / m²
Estimated number of offers: 552
Offer activity time: 94 days
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Want to buy or rent a property w Łodzi Widzew? Check out our directory of real estate offices w Łodzi Widzew. Professional agencies offer comprehensive services, from searching for offers to finalizing the transaction. Thanks to our platform, you can compare offers from different agencies, check their ratings and choose the one that best meets your expectations. We facilitate the property search process by providing access to the latest offers and detailed market information.

Real estate agencies Łódź Widzew - comprehensive service

Discover trusted real estate agencies w Łodzi Widzew. Our guide will help you find experienced agents to assist you in every phase of buying or renting an apartment. Professional agencies offer not only access to a wide database of listings, but also legal and financial advice. With our recommendations, you'll find agencies that have the best customer reviews and offer customized services.

Directory of real estate agents Łódź Widzew

Looking for a reliable real estate agent? Our directory of real estate agents and agencies w Łodzi Widzew is the perfect place to find experts to help you with your housing plans. Browse agents' profiles, check their experience and customer reviews to choose the best specialist to work with. Our database contains detailed information about agents, so you can easily contact the professional of your choice and schedule an appointment.

Current housing prices Łódź Widzew

In the last month, the average price per square meter of an apartment in the Widzew district was PLN 7,526, which represents a decrease of 0% compared to the previous month. The estimated number of listings on the market is 552.

Housing prices Łódź Widzew

Recently added opinions

  • Ewa Bielecka

    Bardzo jestem zadowolona z pracy Pani Anny Dębskiej która jest bardzo kompetentną osobą i bardzo miłą.

    około miesiąc temu
  • Jolanta Skale

    Pani Agata bardzo profesjonalnana zajęła się wszystkimi dokumentami i kompleksowa obsługa.

    około miesiąc temu
  • Piotr Magier

    Pani Oliwia Mrowińska okazała się niezastąpiona w procesie sprzedaży mieszkania. Jej indywidualne podejście do klienta, cierpliwość oraz umiejętność negocjacji sprawiły, że całość przebiegła bezstresowo. Dziękuję za wsparcie i pełen profesjonalizm!

    około miesiąc temu

Recent transactions

  • Polesie  · Łódź  · Łódzkie

    PLN 6,528 / m²

    Ks. Jana Długosza 26

    PLN 235,000

    Need improvements

    36 m²
    1 room
    3 floor
  • Górna  · Łódź  · Łódzkie

    PLN 7,000 / m²

    Przyszkole 11

    PLN 245,000

    Need improvements

    35 m²
    2 rooms
    2 floor
    Realtor: Anna Dębskaokoło miesiąc temu
  • Śródmieście  · Łódź  · Łódzkie

    PLN 6,371 / m²

    Juliana Tuwima 40

    PLN 395,000

    Need improvements

    62 m²
    2 rooms
    5 floor
    Realtor: Agata Bugajskaokoło miesiąc temu