Sell your apartment quickly and hassle-free

Selling property has never been so simple. Fill out the form, and we will assign you a real estate advisor who will guide you step by step through the transaction.

Submit the form and ensure local expert support at every stage of the sale.

Complete the apartment information

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Information about the flat
In what time frame would you like to sell your apartment?

apartments sold

1 500 000

valued apartments

5 years

on the real estate market

  • Free appraisal report's data analysis
  • Building a property selling strategy
  • Promoting the offer and finding a buyer
  • Finalizing the transaction and completing the paperwork

Get a free consultation with a local expert

We know how long and cumbersome the process of selling real estate can be, all the more so if you are doing it for the first time ever.

Our local partner will be glad to share his know-how with you, help you understand the information presented in the appraisal report, and suggest the optimal selling strategy for your property. All this is to market the offer effectively, reach as many potential buyers as possible and maximize the sales profit.

What will you learn from the free report?

The optimal selling price

You will determine the true price of the property at which you will successfully sell within the intended time.

The profitability of the renovation

You will find out what impact the finishing quality of the apartment has on its market value - this will help you assess whether it is worth renovating before selling.

The best moment to sell

You will understand the current situation in the real estate market and assess whether it is the right time to sell or whether it is better to wait.

Maximize the profit from selling your real estate

All you have to do is answer a couple of questions about the for-sale property and submit the online form.We offer three opportunities for cooperation: expert analysis of your property, creation of a tailor-made selling strategy, and sales process backing of a local expert.

Get your property professionally analyzed

We have created technology that makes selling property far easier. We actively monitor and analyze every transaction on the market. Consequently, we have an excellent understanding of current prices, and we know what real estate is selling faster and what drives the property's price and appeal.

While working with SonarHome, each seller gets an expert appraisal report. It includes details about the current competition of the analyzed offer, how the prices of similar properties in the area are shaping up, and what is influencing the real estate price.

Get help from our trusted partner

Selling real estate is not just analyzing but also a demanding negotiation process, paperwork, and finalizing the transaction.

We believe that the advice of an experienced specialist is priceless in this area.

That is why we match our clients with local realtors who support them at every stage of the real estate sales process.

  • The main advantages of working with the agent recommended by SonarHome were convenience and security. I felt taken care of at every stage of the sale. My agent took over all the responsibilities (including formal matters).

    Natalia B.
  • I can definitely recommend working with the agent assigned to me by SonarHome. 100% satisfaction and relief from duties, plus ongoing updates on the progress of the transaction. I knew what was happening and could contact the agent at any time.

    Michał S.
  • The sale was carried out efficiently and successfully. Professional and competent service. A big plus was the preparation of the apartment for sale - cleaning, decorating, and a photo session.

    Sylwia T.

Submit your apartment to SonarHome and see how simple the sale can be


      Omówienia raportu SonarHome – Doradca, posiłkując się swoim doświadczeniem oraz znajomością rynku, zinterpretuje dane zawarte w raporcie oraz wskaże Ci zalety i mankamenty Twojej nieruchomości,

      Przedstawienia aktualnej sytuacji na rynku – Zastanawiasz się, czy to odpowiedni czas na sprzedaż? Ekspert doskonale zna lokalne realia, ma wiedzę o konkurencyjnych ofertach oraz transakcjach w okolicy, dlatego pomoże Ci pokonać obiekcje,

      Ustalenia najkorzystniejszej strategii sprzedaży – Na bazie unikatowych narzędzi oraz rzetelnych danych i analiz rynkowych, doradca przygotuje indywidualną strategię oraz ramowy harmonogram sprzedaży mieszkania,

      Dokładnego zaprezentowania możliwości współpracy – Podczas spotkania doradca przedstawi możliwe warianty działania. Darmowa konsultacja to także świetny czas na zadawanie pytań i omówienie obaw. Jeśli jednak po wizycie pojawią się jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, agent będzie do Twojej dyspozycji.

    Wysokość prowizji zależy od indywidualnych ustaleń między Tobą a agentem. Doradca zaproponuje warunki współpracy, dopasowane do Twoich potrzeb i oczekiwań. Nie ma jednej ustalonej stawki – wszystko jest omawiane bezpośrednio z wybranym agentem, co gwarantuje elastyczność i dostosowanie się do konkretnej sytuacji.

    Umowa na wyłączność gwarantuje obu stronom dbałość o ich interesy. Klient ma pewność, że nieruchomość zostanie sprzedana (doradca dba o aktywną sprzedaż i nie czeka biernie na kupców), a agent wie, że jego praca zostanie należycie wynagrodzona.